13. ARKit Connect API
ARKit can be connected to ARGear. Once connected, you can utilize functions in both ARKit and ARGear (items, beauty, and bulge) together.
We provide Swift based sample code to get you started. For details on ARKit, please refer to “https://developer.apple.com/documentation/arkit”.
13.1 Configuration
Once 1.Configuration Settings is done, you should import ARKit.
For ARKit connection, ARGearRenderer.framework instead of ARGear.framework needs to be used.
13.2 Session Creation and Execution
Both ARGSession and ARCore Session need to be created and executed together. For ARGSession, please refer to 3. ARGSession chapter.
When creating ARGSession, ARGInferenceFeature setting is not required for ARKit.
The sample code below shows ARGSession creation and execution when configured for ARKit.
The sample code below shows ARKit Session creation and execution.
13.3 Rendering
In order to draw a result frame on screen, the camera CVPixelBufferRef and ARAnchor information of the updated ARFrame from the ARSessionDelegate need to be passed to ARGSession.
For this, applyAdditionalFaceInfo function in ARGSession should be called with the transform and geometry.vertices of ARFaceAnchor, the size of the result View, and the ARGSessionProjectPointHandler (a converting function) as parameters.
Once didUpdate(_ arFrame: ARGFrame) function of the ARGSessionDelegate is called, rendering proceeds according to the provided information from ARKit.
When Item, Filter, or Beauty is set, a resulting ARGFrame will be rendered together with ARKit and returned.
In ARGFrame, a final rendered result will be set in a CVPixelBuffer and you can draw the result with it.
CVPixelBuffer may require rotation or flipping to show the frame correctly. For more details, please refer to drawARCameraPreview() from our official sample code.
Sample code for rendering is written below.
13.4 Set Contents
Please refer to the chapter, 8. Set Contents.
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