You can download contents zip_files through the REST API, using each item's zip_file URL. To download the zip_file, you first need to request a signed URL through the ARGAuth member of an initialized ARGSession.
The sample code below shows how to obtain a Signed URL by passing an item's zip_file URL, title, type, and the implemented ARGAuthCallback to the ARGAuth requestSignedUrl function.
// Sample Code. Download Contents by Requesting Singed URL
let callback: ARGAuthCallback = ARGAuthCallback(Success: { (url: String?) in
// Download Contents from Signed URL
}) { (code: ARGStatusCode) in
// error with status code
if let session = argSession, let auth = session.auth {
auth.requestSignedUrl(withUrl: zipFileUrl, itemTitle: title, itemType: type, completion: callback)