14. API Reference
This section provides a detailed description of ARGear classes.
14.1 ARGSession
ARGSession class stores statuses of an application and provides corresponding functions based on the statuses.
14.1.1 Overview
NS_OPTIONS ARGInferenceFeature
ARGear Inference Option
NS_OPTIONS ARGInferenceDebugOption
ARGear Debugging Option
- didUpdateFrame
Called when ARGFrame is updated
- initWithARGConfig:error
Initialize ARGSession with ARGConfig.
- initWithARGConfig:feature:error:
Initialize ARGSession with ARGConfig and ARGInferenceFeature.
- inferenceConfig:
Configure SDK with ARGInferenceOption.
- runWithInferenceConfig:
Run ARGSession with ARGInferenceOption.
- run
Run ARGSession.
- pause
Pause ARGSession.
- updateSampleBuffer:frromConnection: *)connection
Pass sampleBuffer and connection to ARGSession.
- updateMetadataObjects:fromConnection
Pass metadataObjects and connection to ARGSession.
- applyAdditionalFaceInfoWithPixelbuffer:
Pass additional information for face detection and CVPixelBuffer.
- feedPixelbuffer:
Pass CVPixelBuffer.
- destroy
Destroy ARGSession.
14.1.2 Details
typedef NS_OPTIONS (NSInteger,ARGInferenceFeature)
ARGInferenceFeature is a required parameter and can be obtained from ARGFrame.
Types of feature inferences are declared as follows.
typedef NS_OPTIONS (NSInteger,ARGInferenceFeature) {
ARGInferenceFeatureFaceLowTracking = 1 << 0, // Machine Learning based Tracking
ARGInferenceFeatureFaceHighTracking = 1 << 1,
ARGInferenceFeatureFaceMeshTracking = 1 << 2,
// ARGInferenceFeatureFaceBlendShapes = 1 << 3,
// ARGInferenceFeatureSegmentationHalf = 1 << 4,
// ARGInferenceFeatureSegmentationFull = 1 << 5,
// ARGInferenceFeatureHandTracking = 1 << 6,
// ARGInferenceFeatureHandLandmark2D = 1 << 7,
// ARGInferenceFeatureHandLandmark3D = 1 << 8,
// ARGInferenceFeatureBodyTracking = 1 << 9,
// ARGInferenceFeatureBodyPose2D = 1 << 10,
// ARGInferenceFeatureBodyPose3D = 1 << 11,
ARGInferenceFeatureExtARKitFaceTracking = 1 << 12 };
typedef NS_OPTIONS (NSInteger,ARGInferenceDebugOption)
Types of Debugging Options in ARGear.
ARGInferenceOptionDebugNON: Turn off Debugging Mode
ARGInferenceOptionDebugFaceTracking: Draw Face Tracking Boxes for Debugging
ARGInferenceOptionDebugFaceLandmark2D: Draw Face Landmark for Debugging
- (void)didUpdateFrame:(ARGFrame *)frame
ARGFrame frame : Returned Next Frame from ARGear
- (instancetype _Nullable)initWithARGConfig:(ARGConfig*)argconfig error:(NSError **)error
ARGConfig argconfig : ARGear Configuration Used during ARGSession Initialization
NSError error: Value when an Error Occurred
Created ARGSession
- (instancetype _Nullable)initWithARGConfig:(ARGConfig)argconfig feature:(ARGInferenceFeature)feature error:(NSError *)error
Initialize ARGSession with ARGConfig and ARGInferenceFeature. When an error occurs, return an error in NSError type.
ARGConfig argconfig : ARGConfig for ARGSession initialization
ARGInferenceFeature: An option for initialization. Multiple options can be set together.
NSError error: When an error occurs, it contains a corresponding value.
생성된 ARGSession
- (void)inferenceConfig:(ARGInferenceOption) inferenceConfig
Determine which types of deep learning features in ARGear using ARGInferenceOption.
ARGInferenceOption inferenceConfig : Types of Deep Learning Features to Be Used in ARGear
- (void)runWithInferenceConfig:(ARGInferenceOption)inferenceConfig
Run ARGSession with ARGInferenceOption.
ARGConfig argconfig : Configuration Options When Running ARGSession
- (void)run
Start or Resume ARGSession.
- (void)pause
Pause ARGSession.
- (BOOL)updateSampleBuffer:(CMSampleBufferRef)sampleBuffer
fromConnection:(AVCaptureConnection *)connection
Update CMSampleBufferRef and AVCaptureConnection Information Received from Camera.
CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer : Video Frames Sample Buffer from Camera
AVCaptureConnection connection : Camera Connection Information
BOOL: Check Whether Data Is Fed to ARGear Properly
- (BOOL)updateMetadataObjects:(NSArray<__kindof AVMetadataObject *> *)metadataObjects
fromConnection:(AVCaptureConnection *)connection
Update AVMetadataObject and AVCaptureConnection Information Fed from Camera.
NSArray<__kindof AVMetadataObject *> metadataObjects : An AVMetadataObject Array Containing Face Information
AVCaptureConnection connection : Camera Connection Information
BOOL: Check Whether Data is Fed to ARGear properly or not.
- (BOOL)applyAdditionalFaceInfoWithPixelbuffer:(CVPixelBufferRef)pixelbuffer
vertices:(const simd_float3 *)vertices
Pass CVPixelBuffer and ARAnchor information, and converting handler from ARKit.
CVPixelBufferRef pixelbuffer : ARKit's ARFrame.capturedImage
simd_float4x4 transform: ARKit's ARFaceAnchor.transform
const simd_float3 *vertices: ARKit's ARFaceAnchor.geometry.vertices
CGSize viewportSize: size of view to be drawn from CVPixelBuffer
ARGSessionProjectPointHandler convertHandler: a convert handler function that passes transform, orientation, and viewport information to ARFrame.camera.projectPoint function and returns converted coordinates information.
BOOL: Check whether ARGear receive data properly.
- (void)feedPixelbuffer:(CVPixelBufferRef)pixelbuffer
Feed CVPixelBuffer from ARKit.
CVPixelBufferRef pixelbuffer : ARFrame.capturedImage of ARKit.
- (void)destroy
Destroy ARGSession.
14.2 ARGAuth
14.2.1 Overview
struct ARGAuthCallback
Returned Structure after Auth Function Called
- isValid
Return whether the Current Auth of ARGSession is Valid
- requestSignedUrlWithUrl:itemTitle:itemType:completion:
Request SignedURL to Download Contents.
14.2.2 Details
typedef struct ARGAuthCallback {
void (^ _Nullable Success) (NSString * _Nullable url);
void (^ _Nullable Error) (ARGStatusCode code);
} ARGAuthCallback;
Callback function called when requesting Auth information. On success, it returns URL through Success function. On failure, it returns ARGStatusCode through Error function.
void (^ _Nullable Success) (NSString * _Nullable url) : When requesting Auth information succeeds, URL is returned.
void (^ _Nullable Error) (ARGStatusCode code) : When requesting Auth information fails, ARGStatusCode is returned.
- (BOOL)isValid
Return whether the Current Stored Auth Information is Valid.
BOOL: Return if the Current Auth Information is Valid.
- (void)requestSignedUrlWithUrl:(NSString *)url itemTitle:(NSString *)title itemType:(NSString *)type completion:(ARGAuthCallback)completion
To Obtain Signed URL to Download Contents, the function passes URL, title, and type information and get the result through ARGAuthCallback.
NSString url : URL of Content
NSString title: Title of Content
NSString type: Type of Content
ARGAuthCallback completion: Callback Block Returning the Result
14.3 ARGFrame
14.3.1 Overview
ARGFaces faces
Recognized Faces
CVPixelBufferRef capturedPixelBuffer
pixelBuffer of Camera Frames Fed to ARGSession
CVPixelBufferRef renderedPixelBuffer
pixelBuffer of Contents Rendered Camera Frames Fed to ARGSession
- displayTransform
Return the Current Camera Transform Information.
14.3.2 Details
readonly ARGFaces *faces
An Array Containing the Current Recognized Faces.
readonly CVPixelBufferRef capturedPixelBuffer
Camera pixelBuffer Fed to ARGSession. Pure Camera Frames.
readonly CVPixelBufferRef renderedPixelBuffer
Contents Rendered Camera pixelBuffer Fed to ARGSession.
- (CGAffineTransform)displayTransform
Return Transform Information of Being Rendered in Display in CGAffineTransform Instance.
CGAffineTransform: Transform Information Being Rendered in Display
14.4 ARGContents
ARGContents are created during ARGSession initialization. It is used to control effects of Stickers, Filters, Face Beautifications, and Face Fun Bulges.
14.4.1 Overview
- setItemWithType:withItemFilePath:withItemID:::
Set Contents.
- setFilterLevel:
Set Level of a Filter.
- setDefaultBeauty
Set Default Face Beautification Level Values.
- setBeautyOn:
Set a Face Beautification.
- setBeauty:value:
Set Level of a Face Beautification.
- getBeautyValue:
Get the Current Face Beautification Level.
- setBeautyValues:
Set Level of Face Beautifications at Once.
- setBulge:
Set a Face Fun Bulge Effect.
- clear:
Clear Contents.
14.4.2 Details
- (void)setItemWithType:(ARGContentItemType)itemType
withItemFilePath:(NSString * _Nullable)itemFilePath
withItemID:(NSString * _Nullable)itemId
completion:(ARGContentsCallback _Nullable)callback;
Set Type, File Path, and uuid of Contents to Be Rendered in Display.
ARGContentItemType is defined as below.
typedef NS_ENUM (NSInteger, ARGContentItemType) {
ARGContentItemType itemType: ARGContentItemType of Contents to Be Set
NSString itemFilePath: Saved Path for Contents
NSString itemId: uuid of Contents
completion: callback result
- (void)setFilterLevel:(float)level
Set Level of An Applied Filter. The range is from 0 to 100. The larger value, the stronger effect.
float level: Level of Filter (0 ~ 100)
- (void)setDefaultBeauty
Set Level of Face Beautifications to Default.
- (void)setBeautyOn:(BOOL)on
Turn On or Off of a Face Beautification Effect by Setting Boolean Value.
BOOL on: Set to Turn On or Off. (True : Turn On, False : Turn Off)
- (void)setBeauty:(ARGContentItemBeauty)type value:(float)value
Set a Face Beautification Effect with its Type and Level of Effect.
ARGContentItemBeauty type: A Type of Face Beautification
float value: Level of Effect Intensity
- (float)getBeautyValue:(ARGContentItemBeauty)type
Get the Current Level of a Face Beautification Effect Having ARGContentItemBeauty Type.
ARGContentItemBeauty type: Type of Face Beautification to Get
float: Level of Face Beautification Value.
- (void)setBeautyValues:(float *_Nonnull)values
Set 16 Types of Face Beautification Levels at Once.
Example Values:
float beautyValue[BEAUTY_TYPE_NUM];
beautyValue[BEAUTY_TYPE_VLINE] = 10.f;
beautyValue[BEAUTY_TYPE_FACE_SLIM] = 90.f;
beautyValue[BEAUTY_TYPE_JAW] = 55.f;
beautyValue[BEAUTY_TYPE_CHIN] = 50.f;
beautyValue[BEAUTY_TYPE_EYE] = 5.f;
beautyValue[BEAUTY_TYPE_EYE_GAP] = -10.f;
beautyValue[BEAUTY_TYPE_NOSE_LINE] = 0.f;
beautyValue[BEAUTY_TYPE_NOSE_SIDE] = 35.f;
beautyValue[BEAUTY_TYPE_NOSE_LENGTH] = 30.f;
beautyValue[BEAUTY_TYPE_MOUTH_SIZE] = -35.f;
beautyValue[BEAUTY_TYPE_EYE_BACK] = 0.f;
beautyValue[BEAUTY_TYPE_EYE_CORNER] = 0.f;
beautyValue[BEAUTY_TYPE_LIP_SIZE] = 0.f;
beautyValue[BEAUTY_TYPE_SKIN_FACE] = 50.f;
To check setting ranges, please refer to 9.2 Apply Face Beautification Effect.
float *values: A Float Array in Size 16.
- (void)setBulge:(ARGContentItemBulge)bulge
Set a Type of Face Fun Bulge among Available 6 Types. By using ARGContentItemBulgeNONE option, you can disable face fun bulge effect.
ARGContentItemBulge is defined as follows.
typedef NS_ENUM (NSInteger, ARGContentItemBulge) {
ARGContentItemBulgeNONE = -1,
ARGContentItemBulgeFUN1 = 1,
ARGContentItemBulgeFUN2 = 2,
ARGContentItemBulgeFUN3 = 3,
ARGContentItemBulgeFUN4 = 4,
ARGContentItemBulgeFUN5 = 5,
ARGContentItemBulgeFUN6 = 6,
ARGContentItemBulge bulge: Face Fun Bulge Type to Be Set
- (void)clear:(ARGContentItemType)itemType
Clear Contents Having ARGContentItemType.
ARGContentItemType itemType: Please Refer to 12.4.2 setItemWithType Method
14.5 ARGMedia
14.5.1 Overview
Camera Screen Ratio
Current Media Mode
NS_ENUM ARGMediaVideoBitrate
Video Recording Bitrate
BOOL autoSave
Whether Autosave Mode is On or Not
BOOL recordSound
Whether Including Sound or Not
- setVideoDevice:
Set the Current Camera AVCaptureDevice.
- setVideoConnection:
Set the Current Camera AVCaptureConnection.
- setVideoDeviceOrientation:
Set the Current Camera AVCaptureVideoOrientation.
- setMediaRatio:
Set the Current Camera ARGMediaRatio.
- setMediaMode:
Set the Current Camera ARGMediaMode.
- setVideoBitrate:
Set the Current Camera ARGMediaVideoBitrate.
- takePic:
Save a Picture
- getRecordingOrientation
Return Orientation of Video Recording.
- recordVideoStart:
Start Video Recording.
- recordVideoStop:save:
Stop Video Recording.
14.5.2 Details
NS_ENUM ARGMediaRatio (NSInteger)
Available Camera Screen Ratios Defined as Below.
ARGMediaRatio_16x9: 16:9 Ratio
ARGMediaRatio_4x3: 4:3 Ratio
ARGMediaRatio_1x1: 1:1 Ratio
NS_ENUM ARGMediaMode (NSInteger)
Available Media Mode Defined as Below.
ARGMediaModePhoto: Photo Mode
ARGMediaModeVideo: Video Mode
NS_ENUM ARGMediaVideoBitrate (NSInteger)
Available Video Recording Bitrate Defined as Below.
ARGMediaVideoBitrate_4M: 4000000 Bitrate
ARGMediaVideoBitrate_2M: 2000000 Bitrate
ARGMediaVideoBitrate_1M: 1000000 Bitrate
BOOL autoSave
To Determine whether Saving a Photo or Video Automatically. Default value is NO. When the autoSave variable is set as YES, it automatically saves contents.
BOOL recordSound
To Determine whether It Should Record Sound or Not. Default value is YES. This variable should be set before start recording.
- (void)setVideoDevice:(AVCaptureDevice *)device
This function should be called before using media functionalities. It sets AVCaptureDevice of the current camera.
AVCaptureDevice device: AVCaptureDevice of of the Current Camera, Rendering CMSampleBufferRef to ARGSession
- (void)setVideoConnection:(AVCaptureConnection *)connection
This function should be called before using media functionalities. It sets AVCaptureConnection of the current camera.
AVCaptureConnection connection:
AVCaptureConnection of the Current Camera, Rendering CMSampleBufferRef to ARGSession.
- (void)setVideoDeviceOrientation:(AVCaptureVideoOrientation)videoOrientation
This function should be called before using media functionalities. It sets AVCaptureVideoOrientation of the current camera.
AVCaptureVideoOrientation videoOrientation: AVCaptureVideoOrientation of the Current Camera, Rendering CMSampleBufferRef to ARGSession.
- (void)setMediaRatio:(ARGMediaRatio)mediaRatio
This function should be called before using media functionalities. It sets ARGMediaRatio of the current camera.
ARGMediaRatio mediaRatio: Screen Size Ratio of the Current Camera, Rendering CMSampleBufferRef to ARGSession.
- (void)setMediaMode:(ARGMediaMode)mediaMode
This function should be called before using media functionalities. It sets ARGMediaMode of the current camera.
ARGMediaMode mediaMode: To Determine Photo or Video Mode
- (void)setVideoBitrate:(ARGMediaVideoBitrate)videoBitrate
This function should be called before using media functionalities. It sets ARGMediaVideoBitrate of the current camera. Higher bitrate records higher resolution.
ARGMediaVideoBitrate videoBitrate: Video Bitrate to Be Recorded
- (void)takePic:(void (^ __nullable)(UIImage * _Nullable image))completion
Called when Taking a Photo. The function returns a captured image in UIImage format. When Contents are set, those rendered Contents are captured together.
void (^ __nullable)(UIImage * _Nullable image)completion: Returns the Result of an Image in UIImage Format.
- (AVCaptureVideoOrientation)getRecordingOrientation
Return Device Orientation of a Camera during Video Recording.
AVCaptureVideoOrientation: Camera Device Orientation
- (void)recordVideoStart:(void (^ __nullable)(CGFloat recTime))completion
Called when Starting Video Recording. The function returns recTime included block continuously.
void (^ __nullable)(CGFloat recTime)completion: Returns Recorded Time in recTime Variable Continuously.
- (void)recordVideoStop:(void (^ __nullable)(NSDictionary * __nonnull videoInfo))stopBlock
save:(void (^ __nullable)(NSDictionary * __nonnull videoInfo))saveBlock
Used when Stop Video Recording. The function returns saveBlock, which is converted from stopBlock after recording stopped.
void (^ __nullable)(NSDictionary * __nonnull videoInfo)stopBlock: Returned when Video Recording Stopped. When recording sound is on, video and audio are stored separately in videoInfo.
void (^ __nullable)(NSDictionary * __nonnull videoInfo)saveBlock: Returned when Video and Audio Are Merged. The merged content is stored in videoInfo.
14.6 ARGConfig
14.6.1 Overview
- initWithApiURL:apiKey:secretKey:authKey:
Initialize ARGConfig with API information.
14.6.2 Details
- (id)initWithApiURL:(NSString *)apiURL apiKey:(NSString *)apiKey secretKey:(NSString *)secretKey authKey:(NSString *)authKey
Initialize ARGConfig using API Key information obtained from CMS in argear.io.
NSString apiURL: URL Containing API Information except apiKey
NSString apiKey: API Key
NSString secretKey: Secret Key
NSString authKey: Authentication Key
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