2. Configuration Settings
2.1 Import ARGear framework
First, download ARGear framework from the link (https://github.com/argear/argear-ios-sdk.git). Then, import the ARGear framework to your project.
In order to use the ARGear framework, iOS Deployment Target should be set to 11.0 or above.
Next, add the ARGear framework from TARGETS > General > Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content as shown below. Please note that Embed status should be set to Embed & Sign.
2.2 Build Settings
Set TARGETS > Build Settings > Build Options > Enable Bitcode as No in your project.
2.3 Info.plist
ARGear framework requires four app permissions below. Please add the four properties into Info.plist file. In Value section, you can add description for the usage of each permission. The permissions are used for image capture, video record, and save them in a photo app.
Camera Usage Description
Microphone Usage Description
Photo Library Usage Description
Photo Library Additions Usage Description
2.4 API Information Settings
In order to use ARGear, you need to set API configuration information such as API URL and Key.
API information can be obtained from ARGear Console (https://console.argear.io) by creating a project. Once created, you can check the information from Project Overview > Information in your Console.
Below is sample code of an ARGear Sample App.
2.5. Setting Bundle Identifier
Set bundle identifier in TARGETS > General > Identity > Bundle Identifier in your project. The bundle identifier should be same as the one created during your project creation from ARGear Console (https://console.argear.io). You can check it from Project Overview > Information in your Console.
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